Conception, design and realization of a user interface for a touch screen based, public
Information system of the Cologne Zoo on the topic: SOCIAL INSECTS. With consideration of usability certificates the development of a Information architecture
with the associated navigation structure as well as several Illustrations, animations and
interactive content for the educational Mediation
This was taken over by the Cologne Zoo and has been there since September 2008
accessible to the public. Here are some excerpts from the information providers.
Screenshots and illustrations.
Layout of the interface, illustrations, icon creation, posters, communication media
and book design.
Sales of my diploma work after 4 years to the Aquazoo / Löbbecke Museum in Düsseldorf.
In addition to the Cologne Zoo, this is now the second zoo, which perceive that these
application is aesthetic and representative.
Diploma exhibition 2008
Din A2 – Wasp’s nest illustration
Din A2 – ant hill illustration
Din A2 – Termite hill illustration
Din A2 – beehive illustration