DKBW house facade mural

Design of the house facade of the Deutsches Katholisches Blindenwerk e. V. | Graurheindorfer Str. 151a | 53117 Bonn Conception, design and realization of the entire project during summer 2023.

DKBW – Katholikentag Münster – Messeauftritt

Design of the entire tradefair appearance of the Deutsches Katholisches Blindenwerkes and the project „Brillen Weltweit“. Conception and design of exhibition displays, roll – ups, 3D printing donation boxes, interior articles, flyers, etc. An overview of all media can be found  >>> here. (Interactive PDF – For optimal presentation, a download is recommended)

Brillen Weltweit

Logo – Design for a worldwide eyewear collection campaign of DKBW – Deutsches Katholisches Blidenwerk. Creation of illustrations, logo, text, layout. As well as an associated roll up design. Final size 100 cm x 200 cm. Responsiv Webdesign inclusive.  

DKBW – Deutsches Katholisches Blindenwerk e.V.

Redesign of the corporate design of the Deutsches Katholisches Blindenwerk e.V. including the website design as full responsive design, logo, stationery, flyers, brochures, work reports, texts, picture language and much more. All views and more information at  

Mobivention GmbH

Conception and design of the corporate design for the company „mobivention“ GmbH before „Mobile Entertainment Factory“. Development of related advertising media in the on- and offline area. logo animation, image brochure, flyer, business cards and much more

MHMK – Macromedia Hochschule

Creation of a catalog (Built as a turn-around catalog for Cologne and Munich.) for the presentation of bachelor theses of graduates of the Macromedia University for communication. Construction and maintenance of various weblogs for the video and text documentation of university-relevant contents.